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Crafted from grass-fed bovine bone broth, 
our blend includes organic wild yam,

lion’s mane mushroom, and red date.

— nothing more, nothing less.


Chinese Wild Yam (Dioscorea Polystachya)

  • "'Yam gruel' mediates gut microbiota and its metabolites, regulates oxidative stress, and inflammatory response, promotes the expression of neurotransmitter and BDNF and improves cognitive function" (Pang et al., 2020).


  • "Dioscorea provides health benefits including antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory activity, gastrointestinal protection, gut microbiota regulation, cardiac disease treatment, hypoglycemic activity, anti-tumor activity, and estrogen-like effect." (Li et al., 2023).

Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)

  • "Hericium erinaceus maintains intestinal barrier integrity, and increases the diversity and richness of gut microbiota." (Li et al., 2021).


  • "H. erinaceus is capable of fortifying the spleen and nourishing the stomach, tranquilizing the mind, and fighting cancer, thus can be widely used for the treatment of various diseases, including body deficiency and weakness, dyspepsia, insomnia, gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, and digestive tract tumor." (He et al., 2017).


  • "H. erinaceus polysaccharides and fungal immunomodulatory proteins have been reported to modulate gut microbiota." (Li et al., 2017; Chaiyasut and Sivamaruthi, 2017).

Red Date (Jujube, Ziziphus Jujuba)

  • "These results suggested that JP showed prebiotic-like activities by positively modulating intestinal microbiota and affecting certain metabolic pathways contributing to host health." (Ji et al., 2019).


  • "This suggests that jujube powder displays its function as an adjuvant to enhance the antibody treatment. Administration of jujube led to a significant alteration of gut microbiota." (Wang et al., 2020).


  • “JPS was indigestible but played an essential role by regulating gut microbiota composition and metabolic functions, which provided a basis for the conclusion that JPS could protect intestinal barrier and enhance immunity in our previous study” (Han e all., 2022).

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